Month: May 2018

  • EP 22 // Seeing My Trials As My Gifts  // Elizabeth Montgomery

    EP 22 // Seeing My Trials As My Gifts // Elizabeth Montgomery

    “Our trials are our gifts, and we are what we make of them.” I got a delightful text from my dear friend Liz the other night. She and I have been walking our worthfull journeys on parallel paths, and she suggested we record a podcast episode together. I loved the idea. Not because I thought…

  • EP 21 // Looking for the Evidence That I’m Worthy // Laurie Davis Edwards

    EP 21 // Looking for the Evidence That I’m Worthy // Laurie Davis Edwards

    “When we don’t feel worthy, we’re looking for the evidence that we’re not.” There’s one topic I haven’t dived into yet on the podcast, and it’s not because I was avoiding it. It’s something that I’ve been working quite a bit on myself — owning my worth in romantic relationships. However, it wasn’t until I…