“The unworthiness was the way to become worthy.”
I met my new friend Sarah Anassori during lunch at a lovely event several months ago, and we hit it off right away.
But it wasn’t until our follow up brunch that we began to realize how similar our paths have been on our journeys to owning our worth.
Sarah sailed her way through school with great grades, landed an impressive job in marketing, worked her way up the corporate ladder for years, and then finally slowed down enough to realize how out of alignment she had become with herself.
That led to leaving her career, sitting in the mess of not knowing, and transforming into a coach.
As we talked about the process of finding purpose, deciding we’re worthy despite feelings of unworthiness, and connecting to the highest versions of ourselves, I felt so grateful to see my own journey mirrored back to me.
Wherever you are on your journey, I trust you’ll find valuable insight about this process in this episode.
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Show notes:
- How to understand your purpose in the middle of the mess (4:18)
- Why we have to face our fears to discover our purpose (10:05)
- How to create your professional worth from scratch (11:01)
- How to deal with your inner critic (12:50)
- Why our feelings of unworthiness can reveal our true worth (18:12)
- How to handle tough feelings in a productive, healthy way (22:55)
- Simple ways to start handling your emotions and avoid overwhelm (29:25)
- What “highest self” means (37:30)
- Why it’s important to filter the data you are taking in (46:50)
“Fear only shows up in a big way when I’m about to grow.”
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