“Your time may be now or you may be in process. Be patient and don’t rush the journey.”
I read a note in my phone this morning (during my morning routine) that I wrote 4.5 years ago.
It was from the very beginning of my big life transformation – when I quit my corporate job, was in therapy, building a whole new kind of life.
I had written out a list of blog post ideas for a blog I hadn’t even fully designed yet; one of them was this: “Your time may be now or you may be in process. Be patient and don’t rush the journey.”
As I read that again this morning, I realized I’ve been having this conversation repeatedly lately.
It’s something I think we all struggle with at times — while we are in process — and the timing felt just right to revisit this topic years down the road with some perspective.
My intention is that if you are in “the process” of finding your worth, becoming the best version of yourself, building your dream, etc. this episode gives you a boost to keep going for another day, while being kind to yourself.
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“I was willing and committed, but I didn’t know what that meant yet.”
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