EP 15 // Looking Inward at Just Me // Colie Wasmund

“It doesn’t have to be hard for you to be worthy to get it.”

Who do I be?

The first time I heard that question, it caught me off guard. What does it mean to “be?” I wondered. I always assumed “doing” was more important than “being.”

But the more I learn about worth, the more I learn that our way of being in this world is far more important than our way of doing.

I was reminded of this in a big way when I sat down with my friend Colie Wasmund to record an episode during a time of huge transition in her life.

She is right in the middle of reinventing herself on every level and she happened to be in town so we got to connect.

The more we compared notes about life and what we’re learning, the more obvious it became that she had been learning the power of “being” her best self while letting go of a lifetime of “doing” to prove her worth.

I am so grateful we got to share this conversation at this time, and I’m so excited to see what Colie creates as she trusts the power of being herself fully.

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Show notes:

  • How leaving your comfort zone in small ways can lead to bigger leaps (7:05)
  • Why big life changes that look great on paper don’t always go the way we think (15:30)
  • How to find a clear signal amid the wreckage of plans going south (20:01)
  • Why grounding yourself in nature is so powerful amid chaos (21:05)
  • What it feels like to truly let go of the thing we are afraid of (23:20)
  • How letting people support you allows you to realize what a gift it is to serve (24:40)
  • The way that gifts of support show us we are worthfull (30:10)
  • Why we don’t have to struggle to get good things in our lives (33:15)
  • How surrendering relates to feeling worthy (34:45)
  • The value of learning to create results in both masculine and feminine energy (40:45)
  • The questions to ask yourself when you turn inward (47:15)

“‘This isn’t what I look like’ until I realized that’s what I looked like.”

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