EP 40 // Owning My Worth While Changing My Identity // Liann Seiter

“Being kind is about speaking to the best version of someone.”

I got to have one of the most important Worthfull Project conversations so far while visiting my dear friend (and college roommate) Liann Seiter last week.

Liann has known me for 11 years, long before worthfull was an idea in my head or I had any idea what it meant to own my worth.

She has witnessed me in so many phases of my own evolution and growth and we’ve talked about the whole journey as it unfolds.

So when she recently went through a big personal transition in her identity — leaving her religion of 30 years, changing careers, and building a new belief system — we knew there was a juicy conversation waiting to be recorded.

Liann graciously shared what it was like to go through such a significant identity change, what opened up to her through deep grief, and what all of this taught her about her worth.

I love this conversation. I think it’s so important to talk about our differences and how we find our worth within them. It matters so much.

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Show notes:

  • The challenges of leaving an identity you’ve had for a long time (5:30)
  • Why we try to prove our worth with keeping ourselves busy (8:15)
  • What our fear tells us about leaving an identity (11:10)
  • Why our actions can never prove our worth (12:25)
  • How to begin to build a new relationship with your worth after a crisis (16:10)
  • The value of doing versus being (17:25)
  • What happens to our worth when we stop trying to prove ourselves (18:57)
  • A mindfulness practice to get present with yourself, just as you are (23:15)
  • Why it’s so much better to acknowledge our fears than to ignore them (28:15)
  • How to create new relationships with people after a big identity shift (34:39)
  • The difference between being nice and being kind (39:01)
  • Liann’s tips for building a new identity during transition (41:45)

“The value of a life does not come from what they do, but just from being.”

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