Why I’m Only Interested In Being Coached by Women (of Color) Right Now

White girl talking about black people

Well, this is mostly what I’ve been thinking about lately, so here we go. A few months ago, in the quiet of the pandemic winter, I started to feel a deep shift bubbling up from inside me. I couldn’t put words on it right then, but I was paying attention to it.

I noticed that all of the research I was doing around business building, marketing, sales strategies, etc. was feeling old. Has been. Saturated. Overcooked. Boringggg. So I kept poking around the internet looking for something else. I subscribed to lots of people’s email lists, followed new people on Instagram, and checked out new webinars I’d never paid attention to before. And it was a lot of the old razzle dazzle with a few new faces fronting the scene.

“Ugh. No. This is not the future, this is the past,” I thought.

But then I happened to be introduced to an Australian business coach who I’d never heard of. Her energy was very different, very woo woo, and very enrolling. While googling her for reviews, I stumbled across a Canadian email coach who I’d heard of before but never paid attention to. I hopped on her email list and couldn’t stop reading what she was writing.

She started introducing me to people I had never heard of. Diverse coaches and experts and real deal type people who were women, people of color, non-binary, differently abled, and straight talkers. I was hooked.

The more I started listening to their podcasts and reading their emails and noticing what they were saying on their IG stories and posts, the more I realized I’d been starving for this kind of leadership and humility and honesty and clarity.

Then one Saturday afternoon, I was bingeing on podcasts I’d fallen behind on while I was painting the outside of my house. One of my favorites came up and the guest was Rachel Rodgers, the business coach who teaches women+ of color how to become self-made millionaires. I had heard of Rachel a while before but hadn’t followed her.

I was so taken with her story and approach, I immediately subscribed to her podcast and proceeded to BINGE LISTEN. As in, I haven’t stopped listening to her show for the past 3 weeks. I’m already on her episodes from 8 months ago. I bought her book, hopped on the waitlist for her business coaching club, and it’s safe to say I am a fan.

On Rachel’s podcast, Hello Seven, she offers business coaching and talks with other millionaire women of color. Turns out, she’s sharing all of the business coaching I’d been searching for. Actual strategy coming from over a decade of experience, with real receipts, a proper company with employees and assets, a strong stand for inclusivity, and a spotlight that includes way more women+ than just her.

And now I’m able to put words on the shift that had been bubbling inside me months ago. I’m not in the mood to be coached on how to do business by white guys anymore. Not because they’re bad people or without value to add. They often are. But the pendulum has swung, the power has shifted, and as far as I can tell, they didn’t get the memo.

All I see them doing right now is the same song and dance that made a few of them millions over the past decade. And all I want to see is women making really great money doing business their way and reaching down to lift each other up. It’s a paradigm shift on all levels. And as a result, I’m excited for the first time in a long time about being a business owner.

So, that’s why I’m only interested in being coached by women of color right now. They get it. They’ve gotten it long before most of the rest of us (myself included), and they are excellent curators of wisdom, good people, and hard-earned experience. They are kind, compassionate, humble, and confident. They’ve been sidelined and marginalized for so long, they can’t be bothered with doing it the popular way. They’ve figured out how to do it the right way. They are the personification of worthfull work, worthfull relationships, and worthfull identity. Plus their music and style taste is exceptional.

I’m not sure what is in store for me as I learn from a new group of leaders, but I’m excited to share and be honest about it. We’re all learning how to be better and do better, but there’s a big difference between those who are brave enough to speak the truth and those who are still hiding behind the status quo. Let’s be the brave (worthfull) ones.





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